Air purifiers

Air purifiers remove pollutants from indoor air.

Clean air for rooms

Air purifiers remove dust, pollen and spores from the indoor air. One fan draws the air from the room into the device, which purifies the air using various filters. A second fan returns the clean air to the room. This requires particularly quiet-running fans that can be precisely controlled to suit the given situation.


The advantages of fans from ebm-papst in air purifiers:

  • Extremely quiet operation thanks to optimized flow through the impeller
  • Significantly reduced blade pass noise
  • Perfectly coordinated components
  • High efficiency thanks to enhanced ventilation technology and new EC motors
  • Unrivaled compactness
  • EC fans with two speed levels or infinitely variable control
  • High power density
  • Robust design and maintenance-free operation
Produktbild RadiCal


The latest generation of RadiCal EC centrifugal fans is more efficient, more powerful, and quieter than ever before – with the same compact installation dimensions.

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Energy-saving fans

Energy-saving fans based on the energy-saving motor (ESM) for devices with long ON times, such as air conditioning systems

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Produktbild RadiCal

RadiCal DC

The SMARTe solution – efficient and robust

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centrifugal compactfans

Centrifugal fans

In many sizes and configuration levels.

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Phone booths are making a comeback

Since 2002, Finnish designer Antti Evävaara has been developing “Silence” furniture, creating quiet retreats in open-plan offices and elsewhere. The "Silence Phone Box" and "Silence Stand Box" – real designer pieces for the office – rely on RadiCal centrifugal fans.

Better air. Better life.
Creating a healthy environment for better comfort and productivity with indoor air quality.